Chris Kostman Curriculum Vitae

Chris J.D. Kostman
Curriculum Vitae

(1992-1992: 2001-2002: Incomplete) Ph.D. Program
Arabian Gulf Archaeology
University of California at Berkeley

1992 Master of Arts Degree
Near Eastern Archaeology
University of California at Berkeley

1990 Bachelor of Arts Degree
South Asian Archaeology
University of California at Berkeley


Research and Field Work

2002 Middle East Technical University Archaeological Expedition to Kerkenes Dag - Turkey

Field Archaeologist and Surveyor
Conducted extensive surveys, including geo-magnetic and resistivity, of Iron Age urban center in central Anatolia.

1998 Sadana Island Shipwreck Expedition of the Institute of Nautical Archaeology - Egypt

Field Archaeologist, Web Site Developer, and Technical Consultant
Created and still currently host INA-Egypt's official website, co-developed corporate sponsorship proposal package, and served as a consultant to the archaeological director in developing and managing the expedition.

1994 University of California at Berkeley Marine Archaeological Expedition to the United Arab Emirates

Project Director and Principal Investigator
Organized and directed a multidisciplinary survey of the UAE's entire Indian Ocean coast, as well as selected sites on the UAE's Arabian Gulf coast and the UAE island of Jezirat Sir Abu Nuair in the Arabian Gulf.

Included extensive survey by helicopter, boat, scuba diving, car, and foot for historical and archaeological sites along the shoreline and within the UAE's territorial waters.

1993-1994 University of Sydney and Hampshire College Expedition to Jebel al Emalah, United Arab Emirates

Field Supervisor of Excavations
Directed area excavations of third and second millennium B.C. tombs.
Urdu interpreter for entire team.

1990 University of California at Berkeley Expedition to Harappa, Pakistan

Field Supervisor of Excavations
Directed area excavations of third millennium B.C. urban center.
Supervised ten local excavators, utilizing Urdu language skills.


Teaching Experience

92-93 Montclair Elementary School, Oakland, CA

French Teacher
Developed curriculum and taught daily French class to a group of 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students for one school year.

92-93 University of California at Berkeley Scientific Diving Program

Assistant Diving Instructor
Instructed techniques and methodologies of research diving.
Responsible for subjective testing in both pool and ocean.
Gave lectures and personal consultations on endurance, fitness, nutrition, and mindset for diving.

90-92 Piedmont Unified School District, CA

Substitute Teacher
Taught English, French, and history at middle and high school.


Invited Lectures Given

"In Search of Ancient Seafarers in the Arabian Gulf," The Adventurers Club, Los Angeles, August 16, 2001.

"In Search of Ancient Seafarers in the Arabian Gulf," The Explorers Club, Los Angeles chapter, November 11, 1997.

"The Use of Science and Technology in Oceanography and Marine Archaeology," University of California at Berkeley, Scientific Diving Program, April 18, 1996.

"Marine Archaeological Research and the Application of Technical Diving in the United Arab Emirates," University of California at Berkeley, Scientific Diving Program, April 25, 1995.

"Recent Marine Archaeological Research in the United Arab Emirates" University of California at Berkeley, Department of Near Eastern Studies Coloquy, November 16, 1994.

"Where Culture and Landscape Collide: a Case Study of the Indus Valley Civilization Site of Harappa, Pakistan," University of Massachusetts, Department of Anthropology Colloquy, April 11, 1994.

"Recent Marine and Mortuary Archaeological Research in the United Arab Emirates," Hampshire College, School of Natural Science, Amherst, MA, April 11, 1994.

"The Way of the Outdoor Athlete," Hampshire College, Department of Outdoor Programs and Recreational Activities, Amherst, MA, April 12, 1994.

"Recent Marine Archaeological Research in the United Arab Emirates," University of California at Berkeley, Scientific Diving Program, April 26, 1994.

"Physiological and Psychological Fitness for Research Diving," University of California at Berkeley, Scientific Diving Program, March 23, 1993.

"Human Potential and the Dynamics of Research Diving," University of California at Berkeley, Scientific Diving Program, April 7, 1992.

"The Human Dynamics of Research Diving," University of California at Berkeley, Scientific Diving Program, February 11, 1991.



Forthcoming "Where Culture and Landscape Collide: a Case Study of the Indus Valley Civilization Site of Harappa, Pakistan."

Forthcoming "The Indus Valley Civilization: 5,000 Years Out of the Mainstream."

Forthcoming "The Use of Science and Technology in Oceanography and Marine Archaeology."

1996 "Marine Archaeological Prospects in the Greater Arabian Gulf Region," Immersed, the International Journal of Technical Diving, Summer 1996.

1995 "The Demise of Utopia: Contexts of Civilizational Collapse in the Bronze Age Indus Valley," Journal of the Association of Graduates in Near Eastern Studies, Volume 6, Number 1, Fall/Winter 1995

"Technical Diving and the Search for Ancient Seafarers in the Arabian Gulf," International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers Journal, Volume 95-3.

"In Search of Ancient Seafarers in the Arabian Gulf," Berkeley Archaeology, Volume 2, Number 2.

1993 Book Review: "Harappa Excavations 1986-1990; A Multidisciplinary Approach to Third Millennium Urbanism," Journal of the Association of Graduates in Near Eastern Studies, Winter.

1992 "The Indus Valley Civilization: In Search of the Those Elusive Centers and Peripheries," Journal of the Association of Graduates in Near Eastern Studies, Spring.


Grants and Fellowships

1996 Stahl Foundation Travel Award, $500.
Support for research travel to the United Arab Emirates.

1994 Department of Near Eastern Studies, $1500.
Support for archaeological research at the University of California.

Fujairah Department of Cultural and Archaeological Affairs, United Arab Emirates, $25,000.
Host country support of marine archaeological survey in the Indian Ocean, including accommodations, food, boat, vehicle, and helicopter.

Sharjah Archaeological Museum, United Arab Emirates, $5,000
Host country support of marine archaeological survey in the Arabian Gulf, including accommodations, food, boat, vehicle, and helicopter.

1993 Stahl Foundation Travel Award, $1,500.
Support for research travel to the United Arab Emirates.

Dr. Karl Koenig Foundation, $1,500.
Support for Arabian Peninsula archaeological research.

1989 Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship, $4,500.
Support for ten week intensive Hindi-Urdu language studies.


Research Interests / Courses Prepared to Offer

Near Eastern and South Asian Archaeology

Nautical and Marine Archaeology

The Science of Archaeology

Ancient Civilizations

Travel, Trade, and Contact in the Ancient World

Foods of the New World

Cultural Landscapes / Human Geography


Related Work Experience

94-Present Founder and Director, Archaeoscience International
This scientific research and exploration institute sponsors and implements archaeological and environmental research projects and their subsequent publication.

Current multidisciplinary archaeological expedition destinations include the United Arab Emirates and Quintana Roo, Mexico.

85-Present Writer / Editor / Author

Have published over 240 articles in thirty different outdoor sports magazines, journals, periodicals, and books on topics including human potential, industry analysis, training, nutrition, travel, and adventure.

Have served on the editorial board of six outdoor sports magazines.

84-Present President, AdventureCORPS, Inc.

Organize and direct cycling, running, and triathlon races and events.

Organize and lead outdoor sports performance camps and retreats.

84-99 Lecturer / Seminar Presenter

"Ultra Endurace Sports: Physiology, Nutrition, and Mindset"

"Human Potential and the Dynamics of Outdoor Performance"

"The Tao of Snowshoeing"

"The Way of the Outdoor Athlete"


Certifications, Awards, and Professional Affiliations

2008 CPR for the Professional Rescuer

2005 Certified Club Coach, USA Cycling

2003 "Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart" honor from Sri Chinmoy (Info)

1998 Fellow National, The Explorers Club, New York, NY

1997 Lifetime Achievement Award, Race Across America, Los Angeles, CA

1996 Advisory Board Member / Resident Archaeologist, International Association for Nitrox and Technical Diving, Miami, FL.

1994 Full Cave Diver Certification, National Association for Cave Diving, Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico.

1994 Nitrox (EANx) Cave Diver Certification, International Association for Nitrox and Technical Diving, Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico.

1992 Assistant Instructor Certification, Scientific Diving, University of California at Berkeley.

1991 Scientific Diver Certification, University of California at Berkeley.

1991 Open Water II Diver Certification, National Association of Underwater Instructors, Berkeley, CA.



Fluent in French and proficient in conversational Hindi-Urdu.

Combined four years living and traveling in 34 countries.

World class athlete specializing in cycling, triathlon, snowshoe, and backcountry events and expeditions.

Click here to learn even more about Chris Kostman, including several profile articles

Chris Kostman Curriculum Vitae