Diving Industry Press Recognition of Force Fins
(Note that it is seven years behind the mainstream press)
By Chris Kostman
Diving Industry Press, United States
Underwater USA, August and September 1992
Dive Training, February 1993
SCUBA Times, June 1993
Discover Diving, May/June and September/October 1993
Skin Diver, April and October 1994
Sport Diver, Nov/Dec 1994
Diving Industry Press, Overseas
(Note that it predates the US diving press)
Em Forma; Desporto & Aventura, December 1990 (Portugal)
Mondo Somerso, Fall1991 (Italy)
Dive Log, June 1992 (Australia)
Diver, May 1994 (Canada)
Tauchen, August 1994 (Germany)
Diver, July 1995 (England)
Bob Evans: "This is an example of how slow the diving industry works."
Suzanne Chess: "We don't participate in product reviews that are basically just a weekend frolic with 16 different fins tested right on a deadline and what gets printed is a bunch of unscientific gobblygoook."
For the rest of the Force Fin story, click here.
To visit the Force Fins website, click here.