
Route Description (North End of the Park)
In 2003 I created this fabulous new Fall version of our ever-popular Death Valley Century and Double Century. As with the southern route, riders do an out-and-back starting and finishing in Furnace Creek, but head north instead of south.
Century: After heading north from Furnace Creek for 17.5 miles, century riders will take the turn-off towards Scotty's Castle. Checkpoint One will be a half-mile later at mile eighteen at a DVNP reststop on the right. We'll continue northbound on almost entirely flat roads until the road pitches upwards into the climb past the Grapevine Ranger Station to the Scotty's Castle checkpoint at mile 54. At this point, century riders will have climbed 3700'. After "lunch" at Scotty's Castle, century riders will retrace their steps back to Furnace Creek, for a 108 mile round-trip ride with 4200-4600' of climbing.
Century Checkpoint Locations: 18mi (Mud Canyon Turn-Off), 39.5mi (Mile Marker 24 - Water Stop), 54.2 (Scotty's Castle), 66.9 (Mile Marker 24 - Water Stop), 90.4mi (Mud Canyon Turn-Off).