Death Valley Century and Double Century
March 3, 2007 Results
Show 1: Furnace Creek Start Line |
Show 2: Furnace Creek to Badwater |
Show 3: Jubilee Pass, Part One |
Show 4: Jubilee Pass, Part Two |
Show 5: Ashford Mill |
Show 6: Shoshone, Ashford, Badwater, Stove Pipe, Finish |
Show 7: Furnace Creek Start & Finish Line |
We had another wonderful weekend in Mother Nature's Greatest Sports Arena with the first AdventureCORPS event of 2007, the Spring Death Valley Century and Double Century on March 3. There were 289 riders on the start line: 148 of 166 riders finished the century and 78 of 123 finished the double century. 63 may seem like a lot of DNFs, but keep in mind that double riders pass the finish line - and thus a hot shower, pizza, and a bed - at mile 150, so it's very tempting to call it a day there instead of grinding out the last 50 miles to Stove Pipe Wells and back. It was an often windy day, but never hot or too cold. A special bonus was the full moon, but only for those who rode "Death Valley by Moonlight" by completing the full 200 miles!
146 of 164 riders finished the century and 78 of 123 finished the double century. 63 may seem like a lot of DNFs, but keep in mind that double riders pass the finish line - and thus a hot shower, pizza, and a bed - at mile 150, so it's very tempting to call it a day there. Also, many century riders don't "check in" at the finish line and thus get listed as DNF, even if they finished the ride.
Special kudos are extended to Terry Lentz, 48, of Templeton, CA. Not only was this his first ever double century, but he was first across the line AND he rode a fixed gear bike!
It was also an honor to have Hugh “Mad Dogg” Murphy on hand at the ride. Hugh founded this event in 1991 and created many other great endurance cycling events in California during his ten year career as a cycling event promoter.
Attesting to the wide-ranging popularity of this ride, we had riders aged 13 to 73 from Canada and no less than 22 American States: AZ, CA, CO, CT, ID, IL, KS, MI, MN, MO, NC, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OR, PA, SD, TX, UT, WA, and WI!
Certainly everybody had an adventure and it was a pleasure to spend a long day "out there" with you! Thanks for riding and thanks for supporting this event!
Thanks to the wonderful volunteers who made it all happen!
Badwater: Morgan Goat Beeby, Luz Vasquez, Andrew Burridge, Jen Diamond, Scott Skipper, Matt Skipper
Ashford Mill: Wayne and Shelby Kostman; Reed Flamingo Finfrock and Mark Panther Patten
Jubilee Pass Century Turn-Around: Willy Korp and Bruno George
Salsberry Water Stop: Elaine Lauer and Nikki Maxwell
Shoshone: Steve Desert Duck Teal, Randy Klassen, and Tim Kjenstad
Stove Pipe Wells: Lisa & Mark Andersen and Christy McBride
Furnace Creek: Gary Sedlack, Rick Taylor, Tony Randall-Clausen &Anja Randall-Clausen
SAG: Lee Maggot Mitchell, Mike Angelfish Angelos, Hugh Mad Dogg Murphy, Eric Smith, Willy Korp, Bruno George, and Chris Kostman
Photography: Chris Kostman, Wayne Kostman, Hugh Mad Dogg Murphy, and Eric Smith
Subway Special Delivery: Joe Gargoyle Garza
Special thanks are also extended to the wonderful people at the Furnace Creek Inn and Ranch Resort, Desert Sanitation of Pahrump, the Subway of Pahrump, Liberty Ambulance of Ridgecrest, the National Park Service, and Cal Trans in Bishop.
Awesome, Unsolicited, Totally Appreciated Feedback!
"Thanks for the great event in Death Valley. It was an awesome ride and the weather was amazing.
Anyways, a good friend of our family, Frederick White, heard I was doing the Century and got really excited. He immediatly asked if "Chris was still running the events?" and said he has done quite a few of your cycling events in Death Valley a long time ago, something none of us knew about. He has fond memories of all of the rides he's done, the people he's met, and had great things to say about you, too. He's nothing but 110% positive.
After fighting for over 6 years, I think he's about to lose his battle with cancer. According to the doctors, he was supposed to be gone a long time ago, but he refuses to quit. When they told him it was hopeless, he ignored them and kept going. He suffered through daily chemo and even kept working even when his job repeatedly offered him paid leave. The cancer spread through his body a while ago, but he still refused to let up, even now that they are refusing him chemotherapy. Now that it has reached his spine and taken over his bones, he is hardly able to talk or walk, but he sure as hell tries. He has more of a will to live in his 60's than most people have in all of their years combined.
I just wanted to tell you that your events really leave an impression on people that they carry with them their entire life. After my ride on Saturday (and despite him hardly being able to communicate) all Frederick has been talking to my parents about is how he remembers cycling through Death Valley and how excited he was that I did it. What you do, although it's "only a sport" really makes a difference in people.
I'm looking forward to the Fall event, I'll introduce myeself then. If by some miracle Frederick is still around, I'm gonna bring him out there, I think he would really like to check things out.
Take care, and thanks again." -Jesse Scarantino
"Dear Chris and the DV 2007 Volunteers: On the one hand, during this adventure I feel limited in ability to describe Death Valley’s harsh beauty and the light’s ever changing hue upon the terrain. Limitless on the other hand is my appreciation for Chris, the Death Valley volunteers and others who supported the 300 plus cyclists along with myself behind the scenes.
Thank you Lee Mitchell, you’re a prince and your red van a roving oasis of safety and comfort. The soothing memory of listening to Creedence Clearwater instead of the mental complaints my hinny demanded while climbing up Jubilee Pass will not be forgot. Thanks to Chris, his hands on involvement, his kind yet firm coaxing mentoring all of us onward despite wind wearied legs. At the last stop in Badwater, individually you each took time, looked at me and said ‘you can finish this’, followed by good cycling advice to accomplish the goal, along with a promise you’d be there if this wannabe needed and cared to finished. The advice was sound and your promise true during those last few miles. How could a gal not make the effort to finish after that?
Accolades to this event’s smiling staff selflessly committed to assisting the cyclist out on the road.
To my fellow cyclists: your stories, your woes and uplifting camaraderie are remembered (plus play by play odometer countdowns yelled as you whizzed by). No matter how lovely the scenery, how empty the experience might be without sharing the pain and bliss separated only by one, or many, bike lengths during our desert ride. These moments mattered to me and inspire thoughts to ride again."
-Sincerely, Bernadette Lopes
"I just wanted to say thanks for you and your crew for an outstanding experience that I had at the Death Valley Double Century this past weekend. This was my first double century and it was an experience that I will always treasure. One the many memories that I will have will be climbing up to Salsberry Pass listening to Pink Floyd's "The Dark Side of the Moon" thinking to myself that this may be what the moon looks like close-up. The headwind coming back to Furnace Creek was a real test. I came back to Furnace Creek at 5:30 pm and I remember you saying early that morning how this ride has a high DNF rate because of the stop at mile 150. So I showered, changed clothes, changed from my tri-bike to my road bike with headlights and headed out. Best decision I could have made. I was by myself riding in the dark with no one else near me for as far as I could see. I have a downhill, listening to the Allman Brothers song "Jessica" and I look over to my right to see a HUGE moon rising over the mountains. I got an incredible rush - it was what the Japanese would call a satory - an enlighted moment. It was perfect.
Unfortunately right after that high, I noticed out of my peripheral vision that something was stalking me on the left side of the road. I sped up, but it sped up. I slowed down, and it slowed down. I finally realized that it was my shadow from the moon. I was afraid of my own shadow. However, I did see a coyote on the way back from Stove Pipe Wells. After being stalked by your own shadow, real creatures don't faze me.
As far as feedback, the aid stations were the best stocked I have ever seen. The BEST was the Cup Of Noodles that I had at Stove Pipe Wells. I know that that Styrofoam cardboard noodle mixture probably costs less than a dollar. But I had a mouth orgasm when I devoured that succulent concoction. You really can enjoy the little things when you are out there on the edge. Thanks for the experience." -Jim Yanoschik
"Chris and Volunteers, I would like to thank you for an extraordinary ride Saturday. You sadists and us masochists had a wonderful time. I was great to see so many volunteers that stayed out well into the night for us. I also have never seen so many SAG vehicles run is such a professional manner. If I needed them they would be there for sure. I would also like to thank you all for the wind that sorted out the true masochists. However, next year could you put in more of a tail wind for us. It was also great to meet so many riders from California and to ride with 508 veterans - that was so interesting. They had so much information and wisdom for me. Moreover, I am amazed at the ultra cycling community in California, it is truly impressive." -Robert G. Sauve
"It was great seeing you and your parents at the ride this weekend! Hope you are recovered, we are still in the process of it. Nice change of "pace" for Bob and I as we were just there as participants, rather than there for 70 or so other people (not that we mind that, but just nice to have some down time!). We had no idea what to expect as we have never ridden 200 miles before, let along do all of our training indoors since November. Death Valley certainly seems to bring out the best in people, even under less than ideal conditions! The ride support was great, HEED is the best thing since sliced bread, appreciate all the little flowers you had planted along the side of the road, the full moonlight was ideal, and it would not have seemed like a real DV experience if the winds had been too calm!" -Wendy Hanisch, Executive Director, JDRF Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter
"My wife and I wanted to express our thanks for the outstanding event held last Saturday. As my first Death Valley Century (actually my first Century) I was a bit apprehensive but your support team was extremely positive and supportive. This was my wife’s second DVC and a veteran of many Century rides and spoke highly of her previous experience. Her opinion was your support on this DVC was even better last Saturday." –Sincerely, Gary Farris and Eileen Nicodemus-Farris
"Thank you for putting together an awesome event. Death Valley was more beautiful than I expected and the people made the ride a truly great experience. Your website is impressive and I'm looking forward to joining another one of your adventures." -Best wishes, Carolyn O'Brien
"What a great ride! The 508 in 2004 is where it really all started for me crewing for "Wren" (Wade Baker) on his first solo attempt. I knew very little ... actually nothing about Ultra Cycling at that time. Then Kerin Huber and I did 2 women 508 in 2005. Death Valley is a very special place for me now. It was great to see just a portion of the 508 and stay in the park. I loved driving the car at the speed limit ... instead of following a rider at a snails pace on the way in and the way out. The support was awesome! So great to have ALL the Hammer products instead of wondering which ones might be available! I have never seen so much roving sag on a ride with only 300 riders! My stats from the double are off my Ciclomaster CM436M (Distance 199.03 Altimeter 9098). Thanks Chris for a job well done. The volunteers were fabulous!" - Isabelle Drake aka E.coli
"Thanks for a great event Chris. And a big thanks to all you volunteers. The best supported event I've entered." -David Bradley
"Thanks for putting on such a great ride! The support on the ride was the best I have ever seen. Great Job! This was the first Double Century I have ever done. Who knows, maybe the 508 in the near future! Thanks!" -William Spaeth
"This Death Valley Double was a amazing experience, it was my first ever Double Century and what great place to do it! The support on the ride was great, I would definitely recommend this ride to anyone crazy enough to do a Double Century. I hope one day to do the 508!" -Thanks, Nicholas Rice-Macdonald
"What a wonderful event. Riding 105 miles through the almost unreal terrain of Death Valley was an unforgettable experience. The camaraderie on the road and the amazing support made a tough ride a great memory. I especially want to thank the support team at Ashford Mills who loaded me up with Tums and electrolytes when my leg cramped on the way back helping me finish strong! Great work! All the best and maybe the double century next year!" -Ken Kaplan
"I was one of your first time double century riders this past weekend. I had a great time and am enjoying the slide show pics you have on your site. Thanks for putting on such a great event!!"
-Jeni Turgeon
"I rode with my wife Jeni, who did her first double century and it was a blast. First time at Death Valley, but I enjoyed every minute of it. Watching Jeni come back from a bonk and keep pushing on was truly amazing to see. And for as many events as I do, a lot of them also have Hammer products as well, but this was the first time I ever was able to take in Perpetuem Scoops along the route! Awesome - I much prefer that over Sustained Energy. Thanks for putting this one on - you do one heck of an awesome job and we'll be back next year." -Matt Turgeon
"I just wanted to thank you and your volunteers for putting on a great event a few days ago in Death Valley! The atmosphere was relaxed and enjoyable and the support was top notch! It was my first time in Death Valley, and to do a century was icing on the cake. I hope to make it out to your fall event and ride the double, while my wife tries her first century! You guys rock!!" -Jason Becker
"Thanks for putting on a great event.. It's evident that adventurecorps is working to constantly improve, and the effort is much appreciated. The improvement goes beyond just support. The overall attitude is positive, friendly and just plain enjoyable." -Thanks again, Rick and Anna Stewart
"I had an awesome time. The support and organization couldn't have been better. I realize that this comment will relagate me to the "Needs Psychological Evaluation" file but I loved the wind. Injuries kept me off the bike for 7 weeks in December and January so my confidence wasn't high. It was also my first long ride on the Gold-Rush but when we turned into the wind the aerodynamics of the faired LWB recumbent became apparent. We (Ray Rickard) started catching and pulling diamond frame riders. I'm sure most of them were stronger than me so I'll salute the wind and the Gold-Rush. - If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room! Greg "Jammy Fecker" Lafferty
Full Results
There were 289 riders on the start line: 148 of 166 riders finished the century and 78 of 123 finished the double century. 63 may seem like a lot of DNFs, but keep in mind that double riders pass the finish line - and thus a hot shower, pizza, and a bed - at mile 150, so it's very tempting to call it a day there. Also, many century riders don't "check in" at the finish line and thus get listed as DNF, even if they finished the ride.
Congrats to first-time century finishers Amy Cardace, Doug Miller, Jim Ott, Jerry Pentin, and Kerrie Vaughan!
Congrats to first-time double century finishers David Devries, Brad Doane, Elizabeth Jefferson, Steve LaChaine, Terry Lentz, Martin Lyons, Kevin Marr, Paul Mc Kenna, William Spaeth, Jeni Turgeon, and Timmer Vadheim!
(If you were a first-time century or double century finisher, let us know and we'll note that here!)
100mi. |
First |
Middle |
Last |
M/F |
City |
State |
6:26 |
Christopher |
Joseph |
Pagoda |
M |
Conshohocken |
PA |
6:50 |
Ken |
Kaplan |
M |
Davis |
CA |
6:52 |
Jason |
Paul |
Becker |
M |
Santa Barbara |
CA |
6:56 |
Vanessa |
Berg |
F |
Albuquerque |
NM |
6:58 |
Walter |
Anyan |
M |
Park City |
UT |
7:11 |
christopher |
w |
hill |
M |
san carlos |
CA |
7:16 |
Jesse |
Angelo |
Scarantino |
M |
La Crescenta, CA |
CA |
7:29 |
Andy |
Smith |
M |
Olympic Valley |
CA |
7:29 |
Mark |
A. |
Smith |
M |
Yucaipa |
CA |
7:29 |
Richard |
H |
Bowen |
M |
Portsmouth |
NH |
7:35 |
sarah |
brodsky |
F |
chatsworth |
CA |
7:36 |
kerrie |
c |
vaughan |
F |
La Mesa |
CA |
7:36 |
Martin |
Raffauf |
M |
San Carlos |
CA |
7:36 |
tim |
a |
vaughan |
M |
La Mesa |
CA |
7:46 |
Jim |
Ott |
M |
Pleasanton |
CA |
7:47 |
Lee |
Barman |
F |
San Francisco |
CA |
7:50 |
robert |
eric |
johnson |
M |
Evergreen |
CO |
7:55 |
michael |
leonard xavier |
yoblonski |
M |
glendale |
CA |
8:01 |
Brian |
Murphy |
M |
Los Angeles |
CA |
8:02 |
Elpid |
Valdez |
Lardizabal |
M |
Duarte |
CA |
8:03 |
Gregory |
Lafferty |
M |
Boulder Creek |
CA |
8:03 |
Ray |
H. |
Rickard |
M |
Carson City |
NV |
8:07 |
Frank |
Chepin |
M |
Las Vegas |
NV |
8:11 |
Gabe |
Craig |
F |
Davis |
CA |
8:12 |
Brian |
E |
Lynch |
M |
CA |
8:12 |
Chris |
Doolittle |
M |
Redlands |
CA |
8:12 |
Mike |
Lynch |
M |
Sparta |
NJ |
8:16 |
Brian |
David |
Weith |
M |
Upland |
CA |
8:16 |
david |
yoshihara |
M |
CA |
8:17 |
Steven |
E. |
Gonzales |
M |
Redondo Beach |
CA |
8:23 |
James |
TenBrink |
M |
Redlands |
CA |
8:26 |
Charles |
L |
Shackett |
M |
Lafayette |
CA |
8:26 |
john |
dugan |
M |
berkeley |
CA |
8:26 |
Mike |
Lico |
M |
Carson City |
NV |
8:27 |
Lynn |
Taylor |
M |
Carson City |
NV |
8:29 |
Hank |
John |
ten Cate |
M |
Mission Viejo |
CA |
8:29 |
Jeff |
G. |
Samson |
M |
Los Angeles |
CA |
8:29 |
Tom |
McGraw |
M |
San Anselmo |
CA |
8:30 |
Jerry |
Rob. Kirkpatrick |
Pentin |
M |
Pleasanton |
CA |
8:32 |
david |
hodnett |
M |
oakland |
CA |
8:32 |
James |
Parisi |
M |
New york |
NY |
8:32 |
Ty |
Wilson |
M |
Cotati |
CA |
8:33 |
Randall |
P |
Iverson |
M |
Medford |
OR |
8:37 |
Jack |
Herrick |
M |
Sioux Falls, |
SD |
8:39 |
jeffrey |
felz |
M |
Los Angeles |
CA |
8:41 |
Anthony |
Woofie |
Humpage |
M |
Scottsdale |
AZ |
8:41 |
Matthew |
Schneider |
M |
Las Vegas |
NV |
8:41 |
Signe |
Bray |
F |
Pasadena |
CA |
8:42 |
Kelly |
Aguerre |
F |
Corona del Mar |
CA |
8:42 |
Martin |
Aguerre |
M |
Corona del Mar |
CA |
8:42 |
William |
Propst |
M |
Palos Verdes Estates |
CA |
8:43 |
George |
Brown |
M |
Hermosa Beach |
CA |
8:44 |
Suzanne |
Crowley |
F |
Jackson |
MI |
8:50 |
Hector |
Tapia |
M |
Los Angeles |
CA |
8:52 |
jeffrey |
wallace |
M |
orange |
CA |
8:53 |
Garett |
Carlson |
M |
Beverly Hills |
CA |
8:54 |
steve |
v |
hundley |
M |
phoenix |
AZ |
8:54 |
Randolph |
Laub |
M |
Los Angeles |
CA |
8:54 |
Steve |
Naylor |
M |
Yucca Valley |
CA |
8:54 |
Steven |
Casselman |
M |
Phoenix |
AZ |
8:55 |
Alan |
Messarra |
M |
South Pasadena |
CA |
8:55 |
Herlindo |
Alfonso |
Landavazo |
M |
Carson |
CA |
8:55 |
Imre |
Udvardy |
M |
Canyon Country |
CA |
8:55 |
James |
Robert |
Hannon |
M |
Redondo Beach |
CA |
8:55 |
Vicente |
Pacheco |
M |
Pasadena |
CA |
8:56 |
John |
Conrad |
M |
Pasadena |
CA |
8:56 |
Lawrence |
B |
Mattson |
M |
Manhattan Beach |
CA |
9:00 |
Jason |
David |
Russell |
M |
Los Angeles |
CA |
9:01 |
Joseph |
Hiseley |
M |
San Francisco |
CA |
9:01 |
Megan |
Dean |
F |
Los Angeles |
CA |
9:03 |
Steve |
Richardson |
M |
Pahrump |
NV |
9:04 |
Craig |
K |
Trask |
M |
Orange |
CA |
9:04 |
John |
Sarkaria |
M |
Villa Park |
CA |
9:04 |
Jon |
Englert |
M |
Vista |
CA |
9:05 |
Joe |
Perry |
M |
Long Beach |
CA |
9:07 |
Adam |
Winer |
M |
Westlake Village |
CA |
9:07 |
Eric |
Salveson |
M |
Beverly Hills |
CA |
9:09 |
M |
CA |
9:14 |
Daniel |
Franco |
M |
Redlands |
CA |
9:14 |
Joanne |
Heilnger |
F |
Keizer |
OR |
9:14 |
Samir |
Ved |
Kubba |
M |
redlands |
CA |
9:15 |
Brett |
Barton |
Cooper |
M |
San Rafael |
CA |
9:15 |
Kent |
Barton |
Cooper |
M |
Fairfield |
CA |
9:16 |
Paul |
David |
Whiteley |
M |
Larkspur |
CA |
9:22 |
ken |
schaefer |
M |
modesto |
CA |
9:22 |
debra |
ann |
thompson |
F |
sausalito |
CA |
9:24 |
Mike |
William |
Gray |
M |
Auburn |
CA |
9:29 |
Douglas |
V |
Dowling |
M |
Los Angeles |
CA |
9:29 |
Gerta |
J |
Dowling |
F |
Los Angles |
CA |
9:30 |
Darryl |
Edward |
Toupkin |
M |
Scottsdale |
AZ |
9:30 |
Tom |
Elson |
M |
CA |
9:31 |
Molly |
Arevalo |
F |
Los Angeles |
CA |
9:36 |
stephanie |
hill |
F |
san carlos |
CA |
9:37 |
Donald |
Russell |
Lowe |
M |
La Jolla |
CA |
9:38 |
Michael |
T |
Goble |
M |
Citrus Heights |
CA |
9:40 |
Anurang |
Revri |
M |
San Francisco |
CA |
9:40 |
Barry |
Zuckerman |
M |
Piedmont |
CA |
9:40 |
Joel |
Dale |
Hainley |
M |
Baypoin |
CA |
9:43 |
Mark |
Jenkins |
M |
Burbank |
CA |
9:46 |
Robert |
Shane |
Bowman |
M |
Dayton |
NV |
9:47 |
niki |
yoblonski |
F |
santa monica |
CA |
9:51 |
David |
Lemuel |
Berger |
M |
Carson City |
NV |
9:52 |
Rob |
Leiter |
M |
Villa Park |
CA |
9:53 |
Eric |
Schumacher |
M |
Los Angeles |
CA |
9:56 |
betsy |
lynn |
moore |
F |
phoenix |
AZ |
9:56 |
Jason |
Brooks |
M |
santa monica |
CA |
10:03 |
William |
Way |
M |
Templeton |
CA |
10:04 |
Terri |
L |
Todd |
F |
Placerville |
CA |
10:05 |
Amy |
E |
Cardace |
F |
Davis |
CA |
10:05 |
Doug |
Miller |
M |
Davis |
CA |
10:13 |
Kurt |
Staib |
M |
Yuba City |
CA |
10:14 |
Karin |
Burger |
F |
Petaluma |
CA |
10:14 |
Larry |
M. |
Miller |
M |
Agoura Hills |
CA |
10:14 |
Ralph |
M |
Weiss |
M |
Topanga |
CA |
10:14 |
Tucker |
J |
Weiss |
M |
Topanga |
CA |
10:15 |
Jon |
Don |
Boyer |
M |
Mammoth Lakes, |
CA |
10:15 |
ray |
Shine |
M |
San Francisco |
CA |
10:16 |
Keith |
Burt |
M |
Atascadero |
CA |
10:16 |
tom |
m |
dougan |
M |
long beach |
CA |
10:18 |
Haim |
Toeg |
M |
Long Beach |
CA |
10:18 |
linda |
mcfadden |
F |
modesto |
CA |
10:18 |
Patti |
Lynch |
F |
Campbell |
CA |
10:22 |
Bruce |
Stanley |
Kochsmeier |
M |
Carson City |
NV |
10:26 |
Susan |
Rosenblatt |
F |
Berkeley |
CA |
10:28 |
Amy |
Chan |
F |
North Hollywood |
CA |
10:28 |
J-D |
Bamford |
M |
North Hollywood |
CA |
10:35 |
Scott |
Pando |
M |
San Francisco |
CA |
10:41 |
Kimberly |
Larin |
F |
Glendale |
CA |
10:42 |
Donna |
Reed |
F |
Ventura |
CA |
10:42 |
Donna |
Watson |
F |
Ventura |
CA |
10:42 |
Judy |
Mullins |
F |
Ventura |
CA |
10:42 |
Jane |
Dwire |
F |
Ventura |
CA |
10:44 |
Eileen |
Farris |
Nocodemus |
F |
Redondo Beach |
CA |
10:44 |
Gary |
L |
Farris |
M |
Redondo Beach |
CA |
10:47 |
Meryl |
Craig |
F |
Davis |
CA |
10:47 |
Steve |
Craig |
M |
Davis |
CA |
10:53 |
larry |
kawalec |
M |
fremont |
CA |
10:53 |
Karen |
Maria |
Boothe |
F |
Salem |
UT |
10:53 |
Maxwell |
Lucas |
M |
Manhattan Beach |
CA |
10:53 |
Sasha |
Perry |
F |
Orange |
CA |
10:56 |
joy |
A |
Hunter |
F |
Woodland Hills |
UT |
11:06 |
Bernadette |
A. |
Lopes |
F |
Berkeley |
CA |
11:15 |
Kenneth |
I. |
Guralnik |
M |
Henderson |
NV |
11:15 |
Theresa |
Davis |
Guralnik |
F |
Henderson |
NV |
11:18 |
Tom |
Schnick |
M |
Madison |
WI |
11:32 |
Tim |
Hennings |
M |
Seattle |
WA |
11:41 |
Michele |
Patrick |
Carbone |
F |
Redondo beach |
CA |
11:44 |
Valerie |
K |
Hwang |
F |
Redlands |
CA |
11:44 |
allen |
hwang |
M |
redlands |
CA |
Brad |
S |
Bunker |
M |
Salt Lake City |
UT |
Carolyn |
Sue |
OBrien |
F |
santa monica |
CA |
Christopher |
Edmonds |
M |
Morgan Hill |
CA |
david |
jenne |
M |
Loma Linda |
CA |
Debbie |
Hannon |
F |
Redondo Beach |
CA |
Eric |
Finley |
M |
Morgan Hill |
CA |
Erick |
J |
Bernardez |
M |
Colton |
CA |
Eugene |
H. |
Jocobowitz |
M |
Los Angeles |
CA |
Ian |
W |
Revell |
M |
rancho cucamonga |
CA |
john |
Rippel |
M |
Loma linda |
CA |
Judy |
Ann |
Thomas |
F |
Sebastopol |
CA |
Linda |
Jean |
Watters |
F |
Woodland Hills |
UT |
Lynn |
Natal |
Hartman |
F |
Simi Valley |
CA |
Paul |
Hartman |
M |
Simi Valley |
CA |
Ron |
Ward |
Thomas |
M |
Sebastopol |
CA |
Sarah |
Hughes |
F |
Woodland Hills |
UT |
scott |
m |
gardner |
M |
Lakewood |
CA |
200mi. |
First |
Middle |
Last |
M/F |
City |
State |
11:17 |
Terry |
Lentz |
M |
Templeton |
CA |
11:21 |
Eric |
Red Rooster |
Wilson |
M |
Palmdale |
CA |
11:42 |
Wade |
Wren |
Baker |
M |
Atascadero |
CA |
11:49 |
Joel |
Sothern |
M |
Laguna Niguel |
CA |
12:11 |
Nathan |
Berg |
M |
Albuquerque |
NM |
12:22 |
james |
kern |
M |
sunnyvale |
CA |
12:46 |
Kevin |
Wolverine |
Walsh |
M |
Lancaster |
CA |
13:11 |
Timmer |
Vadheim |
M |
Mammoth Lakes |
CA |
13:14 |
Matt |
Ruscigno |
M |
Los Angeles |
CA |
13:16 |
Nicholas |
Rice-McDonald |
M |
Santa Clara |
CA |
13:17 |
Charles |
Breer |
M |
St Paul |
MN |
13:33 |
Jack |
Lindquist |
M |
Los Angeles |
CA |
13:37 |
Steve |
LaChaine |
M |
Atascadero |
CA |
13:40 |
Etienne |
Studer |
M |
San Francisco |
CA |
13:41 |
Leshek |
Minotaur |
Fiedorowicz |
M |
Morgan Hill |
CA |
13:42 |
Robert |
Victor |
Orcutt |
M |
Scotts Valley |
CA |
13:43 |
Jesse |
Kretschmer |
M |
Los Angeles |
CA |
13:44 |
Martin |
Lyons |
M |
Sacramento |
CA |
13:45 |
Desmund |
Shirazi |
M |
Manhattan Beach |
CA |
13:47 |
Mario |
Ramirez |
M |
North Hollywood |
CA |
13:50 |
Anna |
Stewart |
F |
Janesville |
CA |
13:50 |
Rick |
Stewart |
M |
Janesville |
CA |
13:52 |
david |
john |
devries |
M |
bishop |
CA |
13:56 |
Roger |
Hogan |
M |
Sanger |
CA |
14:00 |
Francis-Marlon Pichachu |
Ignacio |
M |
Duarte |
CA |
14:09 |
robert |
g. |
sauve |
M |
lakewood |
CO |
14:16 |
Linda |
Monarch Butterfly |
Bott |
F |
Ventura |
CA |
14:18 |
Jim |
R |
Varney |
M |
Webster Groves |
MO |
14:20 |
Doug |
TANDEM Polar Bear |
Patterson |
M |
Orange |
CA |
14:20 |
Lynn |
Katano |
F |
Monterey Park |
CA |
14:20 |
Isabelle |
Drake |
F |
Laguna Beach |
CA |
14:22 |
Brian |
Kingman |
M |
Fontana |
CA |
14:23 |
Jeni |
Turgeon |
F |
Albuquerque |
NM |
14:23 |
Matt |
FIXED GEAR 46x17 |
Turgeon |
M |
Albuquerque |
NM |
14:26 |
Tom |
Tittle |
M |
Gardnerville |
NV |
14:36 |
Marnel |
King |
F |
Campbell |
CA |
14:38 |
Kenneth |
Herbert |
Orr |
M |
Churchbridge |
Canada |
14:38 |
Paul |
E |
Danhaus |
M |
Wausau |
WI |
14:43 |
Veronica |
Tunucci |
F |
Corte Madera |
CA |
14:44 |
Paul |
F |
Mc Kenna |
M |
Montara |
CA |
14:45 |
Bryan |
Gillette |
M |
Pleasanton |
CA |
14:45 |
Gary |
Boal |
M |
Pleasanton |
CA |
14:46 |
M |
CA |
14:47 |
Stephane |
Beaudry |
M |
San Diego |
CA |
14:49 |
Mark |
Kiecker |
M |
Redondo Beach |
CA |
14:49 |
Paul |
Barclay |
M |
South Pasadena |
CA |
14:52 |
Christopher |
Hanson |
M |
Redondo Beach |
CA |
14:56 |
Louise |
Hoodoo |
Comar |
F |
Atascadero |
CA |
14:56 |
Vance |
Lee |
Ray |
M |
San Jose |
CA |
14:58 |
James |
David |
Yanoschik |
M |
Temecula |
CA |
15:06 |
William |
Capobianco |
M |
CA |
15:11 |
Mike |
Warren |
M |
Santa Barbara |
CA |
15:13 |
Becky |
Berka |
F |
Los Angeles |
CA |
15:17 |
Brad |
Jerry |
Doane |
M |
Marshall |
MI |
15:21 |
Bernd |
Straehle |
M |
Aliso Viejo |
CA |
15:21 |
William |
A. |
Spaeth |
M |
Arcata |
CA |
15:29 |
Lauren |
Portuguese Man-O-War |
Fithian |
F |
Minneapolis |
MN |
15:29 |
Robert |
Hanisch |
M |
Brookfield |
WI |
15:29 |
Wendy |
Hanisch |
F |
brookfield |
WI |
15:30 |
Barry |
Schwartz |
M |
Los Altos |
CA |
15:44 |
Ira |
Lewis |
Sheftman |
M |
San Jose |
CA |
15:44 |
Tim |
Skipper |
M |
Castaic |
CA |
15:45 |
David |
E. |
Holdeman |
M |
Scottsdale |
AZ |
15:46 |
William |
Murphy |
M |
Long Beach |
CA |
15:53 |
kevin |
marr |
M |
san mateo |
CA |
15:55 |
larry |
william |
bolander |
M |
pacifica |
CA |
15:59 |
Tom |
Tom Cat |
Zaharis |
M |
Half Moon Bay |
CA |
16:03 |
Thomas |
Clifford |
Potter |
M |
Mosinee |
WI |
16:07 |
david |
foss |
M |
richmond |
CA |
16:09 |
Joan |
Grant |
F |
Sunnyvale |
CA |
16:09 |
Leslie |
Mackenzie |
F |
Santa Clara |
CA |
16:12 |
Ed |
Mulheren |
M |
Charlotte |
NC |
16:14 |
Jim |
Pettett |
M |
Cave Creek |
AZ |
16:24 |
Jay |
Abraham |
M |
Santa Rosa |
CA |
16:31 |
Elizabeth |
Jefferson |
F |
La Jolla,CA |
CA |
16:31 |
Tom |
Parkes |
M |
Costa Mesa |
CA |
16:35 |
David |
Bradley |
M |
Arcata |
CA |
16:38 |
John |
C |
Russell |
M |
Santa Rosa |
CA |
Alex |
Hurst |
M |
New York |
NY |
Andrew |
John |
McCarthy |
M |
New York |
NY |
Benjamin |
Brower |
M |
San Francisco |
CA |
Bob |
Paxson |
M |
Sacramento |
CT |
Christopher |
John |
Smallfield |
M |
Los Angeles |
CA |
Cole |
Coonce |
M |
Los Angeles |
CA |
Danny |
Grady |
Sherrod |
M |
Fort Worth |
TX |
David |
Brennan |
M |
San Jose |
CA |
David |
Roth |
M |
San Diego |
CA |
Dennis |
L |
Ryll |
M |
Las Vegas |
NV |
Eugene |
Pori |
M |
Boise |
ID |
Frank |
Yates |
M |
Sacramento |
CA |
jeff |
robertson |
M |
battle creek |
MI |
Jens |
Schutt |
M |
Belmont |
CA |
Joe |
B |
Morgan |
M |
Petaluma |
CO |
John |
M. |
Clare |
M |
Long Beach |
CA |
John |
Lauer |
M |
Elk Grove |
CA |
John Henry |
Hoary Marmot |
Maurice |
M |
Keizer |
OR |
keith |
brodsky |
M |
chatsworth |
CA |
Keith |
Laird |
M |
Ventura |
CA |
Larry |
Peelen |
M |
La Mirada |
CA |
Lisa |
Michele |
Johnson |
F |
Citrus Heights |
CA |
Manuel |
Davis |
M |
Moab |
UT |
Michael |
Clark |
M |
Los Gatos |
CA |
Michael |
Head |
M |
Oakland |
CA |
michael |
morrill |
M |
monrovia |
CA |
michael |
robertson |
M |
st. charles |
MO |
Michael |
Sturgill |
M |
Phoenix |
AZ |
Patrick |
Joseph |
Xavier |
M |
Los Angeles |
CA |
Paul |
Bringetto |
M |
Santa Monica |
CA |
Richard |
Maxwell |
M |
Sacramento |
CA |
Robert |
Paul |
Yates |
M |
Sacramento |
CA |
Ron |
Farris |
M |
Inyokern |
CA |
Scott |
Edward |
Capobianco |
M |
Laguna Beach |
CA |
Scott |
E |
Ebke |
M |
Corte Madera |
CA |
Scott |
Lewis |
M |
Park City |
UT |
Scott |
Yates |
M |
Sacramento |
CA |
Stacy |
Zung |
F |
Long Beach |
CA |
Stephen |
Krcmar |
M |
Los Angeles |
CA |
Terry |
Scott |
Russ |
M |
Fort Collins |
CO |
thomas |
joseph |
russ |
M |
Arvada |
CO |
Thomas |
R |
Russell |
M |
Alamo |
CA |
Todd |
Russ |
M |
Granada Hills |
CA |
M |
CA |
Tony |
Valdiconza |
M |
National City |
CA |
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