AdventureCORPS SoCal Brevet Series 600km, June 9-10, 2001

Photo by Chris Kostman: Here is Bob Harting, who has been working way too much this year! What Bob had to say:
"I wanted to tell you that I thought that route was really a piece of work. The climb out of Ojai was one of the most spectacular climbs I have ever been on. It is amazing how quiet roads can be only an hour away from millions of people! I noticed that there is a motel in New Cuyama. It might be a good place to get 2 or 3 hours of sleep on the way back. It really looks like a dump, but who's going there for a resort? (Last resort...)

I only bailed because at the top of the climb I barely made the checkpoint time and I didn't gain on it much at the 142 mile point. The climb killed me. You gotta be in TOP shape to finish this ride and I wasn't. With nightfall coming I knew that I would only go slower and would have to ride through the night to finish. If I rode through the night, I would have been slower yet! But I'll be back in 2002!"

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