
Bibliography for The Demise of Utopia
Prepared by Chris Kostman
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Allchin, Bridget, and Raymond Allchin. The Rise of Civilization in India and Pakistan, Cambridge University Press, 1982.
Dales, George F. "The Mythical Massacre at Mohenjo Daro," Expedition, Pp. 36-43, Spring, 1964.
"The Decline of the Harappans," Scientific American, 241: 5, Pp. 92-100, May, 1966.
Dales, George F. and Lipo, Carl, Explorations on the Makran Coast, Pakistan: A Search for Paradise, Berkeley: Archaeological Research Facility, University of California, 1992.
Fairservis, Walter A. "The Decline of the Harappan Civilization," The Roots of Ancient India, Pp. 296-311, New York: The Macmillan Company, 1971.
"The Origin, Character, and Decline of an Early Civilization," Ancient Cities on the Indus, Gregory L. Possehl, (ed.), Pp. 66-89, Caroline Academic Press, 1979.
Ghosh, A. "Deurbanization of the Harappan Civilization," Harappan Civilization: A Contemporary Perspective, Gergory L. Possehl, (ed.), Pp. 321-324, New Delhi: Oxford and IBH Publishing Company, 1982.
Gupta, S.P. "The Late Harappans: A Study in Cultural Dynamics," Harappan Civilization: A Contemporary Perspective, Gergory L. Possehl, (ed.), Pp. 51-59, New Delhi: Oxford and IBH Publishing Company, 1982.
Hemphill, Brian E., Lukacs, John R., and Kennedy, K.A.R. "Biological Adaptations and Affinities of Bronze Age Harappans," Harappan Excavations 1986-1990: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Third Millennium Urbanism, Richard H. Meadow, (ed.), Pp. 137-182, Madiscon, Wisconsin: Prehistory Press, 1991.
Kenoyer, Jonathan Mark. "Urban Process in the Indus Tradition: A Preliminary Model from Harappa," Harappan Excavations 1986-1990: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Third Millennium Urbanism, Richard H. Meadow, (ed.), Pp. 29-60, Madiscon, Wisconsin: Prehistory Press, 1991.
Misra, V.N. "Climate: a Factor in the Rise and Fall of the Indus Civilization - Evidence from Rajasthan and Beyond," Frontiers of the Indus Civilization, B.B. Lal and S.P. Gupta, (eds.), Pp. 461-489, New Delhi: Indian Archaeological Society, 1984.
Mughal, M. Rafique. "Recent Archaeological Research in the Cholistan Desert," Harappan Civilization: A Contemporary Perspective, Gergory L. Possehl, (ed.), Pp. 85-95, New Delhi: Oxford and IBH Publishing Company, 1982.
Raikes, Robert L. "Kalibangan - Death from Natural Causes," Antiquity, Pp. 286-291, XLII, 1968.
"The Mohenjo Daro Floods Reconsidered," Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India, volume 20, Pp. 251-260, 1977.
Rao, S.R. "New Light on the Post-Urban (Late Harappan) Phase of the Indus Civilization in India," Harappan Civilization: A Contemporary Perspective, Gergory L. Possehl, (ed.), Pp. 353-359, New Delhi: Oxford and IBH Publishing Company, 1982.
Sankalia, H.D. "The 'Cemetery H' Culture," Ancient Cities on the Indus, Gregory L. Possehl, (ed.), Pp. 323-327, Durham, North Carolina: Caroline Academic Press, 1979.
Shaffer, Jim. G. "Harappan Culture: A Reconsideration," Harappan Civilization: A Contemporary Perspective, Gregory L. Possehl, (ed.), Pp. 41-50, New Delhi: Oxford and IBH Publishing Company, 1982.
"The Indo-Aryan Invastions: Cultural Myth and Archaeological Reality," People of South Asia: The Biological Anthropology of India, Pakistan, and Nepal, John R. Lukacs, (ed.), Pp. 77-90, chapter four, New York, 1984.
"Reurbanization: The Eastern Punjab and Beyond," Studies in the History of Art, 1988.
Srivastava, K.M. "The Myth of Aryan Invasion of Harappan Towns," Frontiers of the Indus Civilization, B.B. Lal and S.P. Gupta, (eds.), Pp. 3-13, New Delhi: Indian Archaeological Society, 1984.
Vats, M.S. Excavations at Harappa, two volumes, Delhi: Government of India, 1940.
Wheeler, R.E.M. "Harappa 1946: the Defenses and Cemetery R-37," Ancient India, volume 3, Pp. 58-130, 1947.
The Indus Civilization, 3rd edition, Cambridge University Press, 1968.
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