Bibliography on trade, exchange, interaction, and center and periphery issues involving the ancient Indus Valley
Prepared by Chris Kostman
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Allchin, Bridget, and Raymond Allchin
1982 The Rise of Civilization in India and Pakistan, Cambridge University Press.
Asthana, Shashi
1976 History and Archaeology of India's Contacts with other Countries, B.R. Publishing Company, Delhi.
1982 "Harappan Trade in Metals and Minerals: A Regional Approach." In Harappan Civilization, American Institute of Indian Studies, Gregory L. Possehl, editor.
1985 Pre-Harappan Cultures of India and the Borderlands, Books and Books, New Delhi.
Bisht, R.S., and Shashi Asthana
1979 "Banawali and Some Other Recently Excavated Harappan Sites in India." In South Asian Archaeology 1977, Naples.
Blackman, M. James, Sophie Mery, and Rita Wright
1989 "Production and Exchange of Ceramics on the Oman Peninsula from the Perspective of Hilli." In Journal of Field Archaeology, volume 16, number 1, Spring, Boston University.
Chakrabarti, Dilip K.
1979 "Size of the Harappan Settlements." In Essays in Indian Protohistory, D.P. Agrawal and Dilip K. Chakrabarti, editors, B.R. Publishing Corporation, Delhi.
Cleuziou, Serge
1981 "Oman Peninsula in the Early Second Millenium B.C." In South Asian Archaeology 1979, Herbert Hartel, editor, Berlin.
Cleuziou, Serge, and Maurizio Tosi
1989 "The South-Eastern Frontier of the Ancient Near East." In South Asian Archaeology 1985, Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies.
Cleuziou, Serge, and Burkhard Vogt
1979 "Tomb A at Hili North (United Arab Emirates) and Its Material Connections to Southeast Iran and the Greater Indus Valley." In South Asian Archaeology 1977, Naples.
Dales, George F.
1976 "Shifting Trade Patterns Between the Iranian Plateau and the Indus Valley in the Third Millenium B.C." Paper presented at the Colloquium on "Le Plateau Iranian et l'Asie Centrale des Origines a la Conquete Islamique," Paris, March.
1979 "Of Dice and Men." In Ancient Cities of the Indus, Carolina Academic Press, Gregory L. Possehl, editor.
de Cardi, Beatrice
1989 "Harappan Finds from Tomb 6 at Shimal, Ras Al-Khaimah, United Arab Emirates." In South Asian Archaeology 1985, Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies.
Durante, Silvio
1979 "Marine Shells from Balakot, Shahr-i Sokhta and Tepe Yahya: Their Significance for Trade Technology in Ancient Indo-Iran." In South Asian Archaeology 1977, Naples.
During Caspers, Elisabeth C.L.
1970 "Trucial Oman in the Third Millenium B.C." In Origini, Rome.
1971a "Some Motifs as Evidence for Maritime Contact Between Sumer and the Indus Valley." In Persica, Annuaire de la Societe Neerlando-Iranienne, No. V.
1971b "New Archaeological Evidence for Maritime Trade in the Persian Gulf During the Late Protoliterate Period." In East and West, volume 21, Nos. 1-2, IsMEO, Rome.
1972 "Harappan Trade in the Arabian Gulf in the Third Millenium B.C." (A paper read at the sixth Seminar for Arabian Studies, London, 1972) In Mesopotamia - Rivista Di Archeologia, Epigrafia E Storia Orientale Antica, Torino.
1976 "Cultural Concepts in the Arabian Gulf and the Indian Ocean. Tramsmissions in the Third Millenium and their Significance." In Seminar For Arabian Studies, volume 6, London.
1984 "Sumerian Trading Communities Residing in Harappan Society." In Frontiers of the Indus Civilization, Wheeler Commemoration Volume, B.B. Lal and S.P. Gupta, editors, Indian Archaeological Society.
1985 "A Possible Harappan Contact with the Aegean World." In South Asian Archaeology 1983, Naples.
Fentress, Marcia A.
1976 Resource Access, Exchange Systems, and Regional Interaction in the Indus Valley. unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
1978 "Regional Interaction in Indus Valley Urbanization: The Key Factors of Resource Access and Exchange." In American Studies in the Anthropology of India, Sylvia Vatuk, editor.
1982 "From Jhelum to Yamuna: City and Settlement in the Second and Third Millenium B.C." In Harappan Civilization, American Institute of Indian Studies, Gregory L. Possehl, editor.
Francfort, H.P.
1984 "The Harappan Town of Shortughai." In Frontiers of the Indus Civilization, Wheeler Commemoration Volume, B.B. Lal and S.P. Gupta, editors, Indian Archaeological Society.
Heskel, Denis L.
1984 "Iran-Indus Valley Connections: A Revaluation." In Frontiers of the Indus Civilization, Wheeler Commemoration Volume, B.B. Lal and S.P. Gupta, editors, Indian Archaeological Society.
Hojlund, Flemming
1989 "Some New Evidence of Harappan Influence in the Arabian Gulf." In South Asian Archaeology 1985, Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies.
Jansen, Michael
1981 "Settlement Patterns in the Harappa Culture." In South Asian Archaeology 1979, Herbert Hartel, editor, Berlin.
Joshi, J.P., Madhu Bala, and Jassu Ram
1984 "The Indus Civilization: A Reconsideration on the Basis of Distribution Maps." In Frontiers of the Indus Civilization, Wheeler Commemoration Volume, B.B. Lal and S.P. Gupta, editors, Indian Archaeological Society.
Kenoyer, J.M.
1987 "The Indus Civilization: Unfathomed Depths of South Asian Culture." In Wisconsin Academy Review, March.
Kohl, Phil L.
1978 "The Balance of Trade in South Western Trade in the Mid 3rd Millenium BC." In Current Anthropology, volume 19.
1979 "The 'World Economy' of West Asia in the Third Millenium BC." In South Asian Archaeology 1977, Naples.
1987a "The Use and Abuse of World Systems Theory: The Case of the Pristine West Asian State." In Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory, volume 11, M.B. Schiffer, editor.
1987b "The Ancient Economy, Transferable Technologies, and the Bronze Age World-System: A View from the Northeastern Frontier of the Ancient Near East." In Centre and Periphery in the Ancient World, M. Rowlands, M. Larsen, and K. Kristiansen, editors, Cambridge.
Lahiri, Nayanjot
1990 "Harappa as a centre of trade and trade routes: A case study of the resource-use, resource-access and lines of communication in the Indus Civilization." In The Indian Economic and Social History Review, 27, 4.
1992 The Archaeology of Indian Trade Routes, Cambridge University Press, Delhi.
Lal, B.B., and S.P. Gupta
1984 editors, Frontiers of the Indus Civilization, Wheeler Commemoration Volume, Indian Archaeological Society.
Lamberg-Karlovsky, C.C.
1979 "Trade Mechanisms in Indus-Mesopotamian Interrelations." In Ancient Cities of the Indus, Carolina Academic Press, Gregory L. Possehl, editor.
1982 "Sumer, Elam and the Indus: Three Urban Processes Equal One Structure?" In Harappan Civilization, American Institute of Indian Studies, Gregory L. Possehl, editor.
1986 "Third Millenium Structure and Process: From the Euphrates to the Indus and the Oxus to the Indian Ocean." In Oriens Antiqvvs, volume 25, Rome.
1989 "Mesopotamia, Central Asia, and the Indus Valley: So the Kings Were Killed." In Archaeological Thought in America, C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky, editor, Cambridge.
Lyonnet, Bertille
1977 "Decouverte De Sites L'Age Du Bronze Dans Le Nord-Est De L'Afghanistan: Leurs Rapports Avec La Civilization De L'Indus." In Annali dell'Istituto Orientale de Napoli, volume 37.
1981 "Etablissements Chalcolithiques Dans Le Nord-Est De L'Afghanistan: Leurs Rapports Avec Les Civilizations Du Bassin De L'Indus." In Paleorient, volume 7/2.
Mughal, Mohammad Rafique
1970 "The Early Harappan Period in the Greater Indus Valley and Northern Baluchistan," unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Parpola, Simo, and Asko Parpola
1975 "On the relationship of the Sumerian toponym Meluhha and Sanskrit Mleccha." In Studia Orientalia 46.
Parpola, Simo, Asko Parpola, and Robert H. Brunswig, Jr.
1977 "The Meluhha Village - Evidence of Acculturation of Harappan Traders in Late Third Millenium Mesopotamia?" In Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, Volume 20, Part II.
Possehl, Gregory L.
1979 editor, Ancient Cities of the Indus, Carolina Academic Press.
1980 Indus Civilization in Saurashtra, B.R. Publishing Corporation, Delhi.
1982 editor, Harappan Civilization A Contemporary Perspective, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi.
Rao, S.R.
1982 "New Light on the Post-Urban (Late Harappan) Phase of the Indus Civilization in India." In Harappan Civilization A Contemporary Perspective, Gregory Possehl, editor, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi, p.353-359.
Ratnagar, Shereen.
1981 Encounter: The Westerly Trade of the Harappan Civilization, Delhi, Oxford University Press.
Shaffer, Jim G.
1982a "Harappan Culture: A Reconsideration" In Harappan Civilization, American Institute of Indian Studies, Gregory L. Possehl, editor.
1982b "The Indus Valley Tradition." Paper presented at the First International Conference on Pakistan Archaeology, University of Peshawar, Pakistan.
Stacul, Giorgio
1979 "A Harappan Post-Urban Outpost in the Swat Valley." In South Asian Archaeology 1977, Naples.
Tosi, M.
1979 "The Proto-Urban Cultures of Eastern Iran and the Indus Civilization. Notes and Suggestions for a Spatio-Temporal Frame to Study the Early Relations between India and Iran." In South Asian Archaeology 1977, Naples.
Wright, Rita P.
1985 "Technology and Style in Ancient Ceramics." In Ceramics and Civilization, Ancient Technology to Modern Science, The American Ceramic Society.
1989a "New Perspectives on Third Millenium Painted Grey Wares." In South Asian Archaeology 1985, Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies.
1989b "New Tracks on Ancient Frontiers: Ceramic Technology on the Indo-Iranian Borderlands." In Archaeological Thought in America, C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky, editor, Cambridge.
1989c "The Indus Valley and Mesopotamian Civilizations: A Comparative View of Ceramic Technology." In Old Problems and New Perspectives in the Archaeology of South Asia, Jonathan Mark Kenoyer, editor, Wisconsin Archaeological Reports, vol. 2.
1991 "Technological Styles: Transforming a Natural Material into a Cultural Contact." In Learning From Things: Working Papers on Material Culture, W.D. Kingery and S. Lubar, editors, Smithsonian Institution Press.
Forth "The Boundaries of Technology and Stylistic Change." In Ceramics and Civilization, volume two, W. David Kingery, editor, The American Ceramic Society, Columbus, Ohio.
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