Archaeoscience International Business Plan
Founded 1994 by Chris J.D. Kostman, M.A.
Archaeoscience International (ASI) is a scientific research and exploration institute. ASI is non-partisan, international, and multidisciplinary in its efforts. Research methods, expedition planning, publishing, and other aspects of ASI operations are at all times sensitive to the environmental and political setting of the research locales.
"Archaeo" = ancient, from the Greek word, archaios
"Science" = knowledge as of facts, phenonema, laws, and proximate causes gained and verified by exact observation, organized experiment, and correct thinking; also, the sum of universal knowledge. From the Latin, sciens or scientia, or Old French scire, "to know."
Archaeoscience is thus the study of all things ancient, from both before and after the arrival of humans on the planet. At ASI, therefore, we are concerned with the scientific observation and analysis of all things ancient. Our efforts are always multidisciplinary, drawing on the tools and techniques of many disciplines, and we seek to explicitly utilize what each discipline has to offer the others. We work collaboratively with specialists, while seeking to build a broader and more sophisticated understanding of the different disciplines and what they have to offer to generalist endeavours. These efforts are designed to develop archaeoscience as its own specialty.
Studying and understanding the context of our research is central to archaeoscientific endeavours. In other words, we don't just fly into a foreign country to dig up bones or rocks or take water samples, then head home to study and publish. We seek to develop international cooperation and collaboration in all that we do. We are also committed to the worldwide environment. At all times we are cognizant of not only the potential impact of our work on the environment, but also strive to work towards the protection of the environment. For example, while conducting marine archaeological surveys in the Arabian Gulf and Indian Ocean, we will collect water samples in order for researchers at U.C. Berkeley to study in situ bioremediation. This information will help those regions to protect near shore marine environments, as well as develop more effective protocol for dealing with oil spills and other disasters.
We seek to know the past so that we may in turn understand the present, helping to better steward our actions and attitudes in the future.
Our motto is "What's past is present."
Some of the disciplines that fall within the realm of archaeoscience include:
Anthropology |
Geology |
Archaeoastronomy |
Geomorphology |
Archaeology |
Oceanography |
Astronomy |
Palaeobotany |
Ecology |
Palaeontology |
Geography |
Speleology |
Short term goals include:
- Conduct research and exploration expeditions throughout the world. Specific plans include marine archaeological work in both the United Arab Emirates and Mexico. Special emphasis will be placed on publication of findings in both scholarly and popular journals. Rapid availability of expedition reports is paramount to building credibility, as well as relationships with expedition sponsors, government agencies, financial backers, and others.
- Develop a worldwide database of individuals, organizations, publications, and government agencies involved in all related fields. Build relationships with these people.
- Build up a library of reference materials to aid in research.
- Host an annual scientific symposium on research and exploration efforts made by ASI, as well as others in related fields.
- Long range goals include:
- Establish a permanent office and research facility.
- Obtain an inventory of the basic equipment necessary to the expeditions, such as underwater photographic equipment, sonar systems, scuba diving gear, a remotely-operated vehicle, communications apparatus, conservation equipment.
- Sponsor research projects conducted by other individuals not on the staff of ASI.
- Provide funding for continuing education of ASI personnel and others.
- Build a permanent endowment to support ASI's long term existence.
Advisory Board
An advisory board is being established through invitation. The purpose of the board is manifold: to serve as advisors in the truest sense of the word; in some cases, to serve as staff on ASI expeditions; to aid in our networking efforts; to participate in our annual symposium; to add in building our credibility.
Some individuals who will be invited to serve on our advisory board include:
Lloyd Austin
Diving Officer Emeritus, U.C. Berkeley
Guitty Azarpay, Ph.D.
Professor, Near Eastern Art History and Archaeology, U.C. Berkeley
Willard Bascom
Oceanographer, geophysicist, marine archaeologist, author
Barbara Dales
Harappa Archaeological Project, Pakistan
Roman Dial, Ph.D.
Professor, Conversation Biology, Alaska Pacific University
Harrison Ford
Steve Gerrard
Underwater cave explorer, technical diving pioneer
John Graham, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, MesoAmerican Archaeology, U.C. Berkeley
Donald Johanson, Ph.D.
President, Institute of Human Origins
David Stronach, M.A.
Professor, Near Eastern Archaeology, U.C. Berkeley
Cheryl Haldane Ward, Ph.D.
Archaeological Director, Institute of Nautical Archaeology - Egypt
We are also looking for other suitable invitees, potentially including individuals involved with the following governmental or political organizations:
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
- United States Geological Survey
- Office of Naval Research
- United Nations
- United States Congress
Corporate Affiliations
We are also looking to build relationships with corporate entities. This would serve to broaden our knowledge base and provide specialized expertise, aid in networking, build our equipment inventory, and financially support our activities. We are not opposed to serious promotional efforts involving corporate sponsors; we do not expect a handout exclusively in the name of philanthropy.
Financial backers and other friends of ASI will receive a newsletter detailing the latest efforts of ASI, as well as info on upcoming expeditions and activities. These friends will be invited to our annual symposium, as well as receive advance copies of expedition reports, articles, and other publications. In some cases, friends of ASI may be invited to join or visit expeditions in progress. Marketing and merchandising materials will be developed and made available to financial contributors. Friends of ASI will be acknowledged in our newsletter and larger sponsors will be listed in the acknowledgements preceding our official reports and publications. Larger sponsors will have the opportunity to utilize ASI's name or personnel in advertising and other promotional efforts. Special lectures may be given to invitees of ASI's larger sponsors.
More Archaeology.