AdventureCORPS Presents
CORPScamp Death Valley, Feb 16-20, 2008

Slideshows, Weblinks, and Blogs
Show 1 by Chris Kostman: Feb 16-18: Artist's Drive, Towne Pass, Jubilee Pass |
Show 2 by Chris Kostman: Feb 19-20: Yoga, Zabriskie Pt and Danté's View Ride, Rhyolite Excursion, Scotty's Castle Rd Ride |
Show 3: by Karen Gray, Feb 16-20: Dynamic Warm Up, Artist's Drive, SPW, Towne Pass, Ashford Mill, Zabriskie Pt, Danté's View |
Show 4 by Esther Merki, Feb 16-20: Nature Photography, the final push up Danté's View, and more |
Show 5 by John Henry Maurice, February 16-20, 2008 |
Blog with photos by CORPS Camp participant Harry Campbell |
Images of CORPS Camp by Ben Jones, the Mayor of Badwater and Badwater Ultramarathon Hall of Fame member |
Images of CORPS Camp by CORPS Camp participant Mark "Nutria" Newsome |
Images of CORPS Camp by CORPS Camp participant Anna "White Rabbit" Boldon |
A new annual AdventureCORPS tradition was born in Mother Nature's Greatest Sports Arena when 36 riders converged for CORPS Camp Death Valley on February 16-20, 2008. Riders came from AZ (2), CA (15), CO (1), FL (1), MD (1), NM (1), NV (7), OR (5), VA (1), WA (1), and WI (1)!
The weather couldn't have been better: never hot nor too cold, light wind at most, and just a bit of chills and dampness on the last ride. A special bonus was the full moon and lunar eclipse on Wednesday evening during our dinner party at the Furnace Creek Inn! "Super Rad!" said Aye-Aye.
Each day included the Ron Jones Dynamic Warm Up, a wonderful ride in a beautiful, traffic-free National Park, an afternoon yogic stretch, lots of socializing, and more.
It was a pleasure to ride in Death Valley for five days, to get to know one another, and to socialize in a very special place. Thanks for riding and thanks for supporting this event!
Thanks to the wonderful team who made it all happen!
SAG Support: Steve, Karen, and Ashley Gray
Dynamic Warm Up: Developed by Ron Jones
Afternoon Yogic Stretch: Elizabeth
Sponsors: Hammer Nutrition and Earth Wind, & Rider
It was also an honor to have Hugh “Mad Dogg” Murphy on hand on Tuesday's ride. Hugh founded the Death Valley Century and Double Century in 1991 and created many other great endurance cycling events in California during his ten year career as a cycling event promoter.
Special thanks are also extended to the wonderful people at the Furnace Creek Inn and Ranch Resort and the National Park Service.
Deanna Aye-Aye Adams, Anna White Rabbit Boldon, Harry Campbell, Bob Clarke, Richard Elam / Esther Merki / Ian, Joe Gargogyle Garza, Steve Giant Water Bug Gray, Karen Gray, Ashley Gray, Kevin Greenlee, Paul Grimm, Joanne Heilinger, Woofie Humpage, Lonnie Johnson, Jeffrey Krauel, John Lauer, Martin Lyons, John Henry Hoary Marmot Maurice, Richard Maxwell, Lenn McGraw, Karla Meyer, Hugh Mad Dog Murphy, Mark Nutria Newsome, Richard Rayos, Anurang Ringtail Revri, Kirk Rhinehart, Gerd and Susan Rosenblatt, Ron Siler, Andrew Thomas, Michael Toporowski, Milly Valdes, Michael Wahlster, plus the CORPS Camp hosts, Chris and Elizabeth.
Awesome and Totally Appreciated Feedback!
"I liked this camp, because it gave me time to be in the vast Death Valley just cycling to my heart's content. As nerdy as this sounds, it gave me time to be at peace with my inner self, and realize that there is so much 'vastness' still to be conqured in life. That it doesn't matter who you are, what your social status maybe, but what you can do in a life time that defines who you really are...... I'm done being cheesy. Cycling therapy, gotta love it. Thanks, Chris, for letting me come, I definity know that this season is going to be incredible. This camp has given me the outlook I've needed, to be a inspiration for others living with Epilepsy, as well as being a Vegan athlete. I definitely know that I am pushing the limits as it is, and want to push my limits further than any Epileptic person my age would ever think imaginable." - Deanna Adams, age 19
"Traveling from Oregon is such a long trip. It is great to be able to spend several days cycling in such a wonderfully unique setting. (Rather than traveling 2 days, riding 1 day of your century/double century, driving 2 days home.)" - Joanne Heilinger
"What a great opportunity to get away from the snowy Midwest and ride outside. February is about the time we snowbound masses are screaming to see sun and warmer temps, so the timing was great. The rides were fantastic, and the people were a blast. Chris and Elizabeth, you were top-notch hosts. LOVED the yoga!" - Anna Boldon
"The Death Valley camp was great, the support was just right and the routes gave us enough freedom to ride the amount we wanted. It was a great early season opportunity to do back to back riding and test your conditioning. I just wish I was there for another 2-3 days! Thanks to you, Elizabeth and the crew for putting together another superb AdventureCORPS event! Lets make sure it becomes a tradition." - Anurang Revri
"Because I was not in either the 'fast group' or the 'slow group' I was almost always on my own out in the middle. I usually ride in groups, so being able to ride such beautiful routes alone and test my physical and mental abilities in an environment like Death Valley was a rare opportunity. I also liked being able to talk with much more experienced riders about their training programs, experiences, tips, etc." - Michale Wahlster
"Thank you so much for the GREAT day at Death Valley. I really had a good time." - Hugh Murphy
"The camp was great! I even had a couple of somewhat cathartic moments but best of all was the camaraderie. I feel like I made some friends I will see again outside of AdventureCORPS events. The camp ended up being more to me than a bike ride. I am gratified the activity of cycling attracts such decent people. I think the AdventureCORPS mojo contributes to that. I prefer moral support and interest in the lives and perspectives of others (particularly relative strangers) to competition and bib numbers." - Kirk Rhinehart
"The routes were challenging and perfect for my goals and present conditioning. I wouldn't change them. I would rate Towne Pass as my favorite just because it was a huge accomplishment for me. The Dynamic Warm Up was great. My tight and sore back was relieved as well as my daily tight muscles. It was also an excellent venue to hear the daily schedule from you and get a feel for the day." - Martin Lyons
"The morning group start provided an opportunity to meet other riders. I personally was looking for quiet time in the saddle by myself but it was nice to ride with other riders and share stories. The camp was exactly what I was looking for in a trip to Death Valley: social time, quiet alone time on the bicycle, great scenery. I'm getting back into long distance cycling after several years away and the theme of the camp - 'Where life moves forward' just said it all for me." - Richard Rayos
"I wanted to thank you again for a great camp. The camp was great, well run, perfect support. Your support crew, fueling me up and encouraging me at 4000 feet towards Townes pass, will surely be one of my lasting cycling memories." - Harry Campbell
"The camp was a real blast and great way to meet others and fitness springboard for the season." - Joe Garza