AdventureCORPS Presents
CORPScamp Shasta, July 30 - August 3, 2008

Slideshows, Weblinks, and Blogs
Show 1 by Chris Kostman: July 30 & 31: Wheeling to Weed and McCloud River Falls Loop |
Show 2 by Chris Kostman: August 1 - 3, 2008: Dynamic Warm-Up, Mumbo Summit Ride, Hiking Mt. Shasta, CORPSyoga, and Shasta Summit Century |
Video 1: Descending from Mumbo Summit, near the top (Very Large File Size: 26 megs) |
Video 2: Descending from Mumbo Summit, along the South Fork of the Sacramento River (Large File Size: 7 megs) |
Video 3: Hiking Mt. Shasta, at the Sierra Club Hut (Very Large File Size: 18 megs) |
A new annual AdventureCORPS tradition was born at Mt. Shasta - the magical, mystical mountain which stands serenely near the top of California - when 19 riders converged for CORPScamp Shasta on July 30 through August 3, 2008. This glacier-laden volcanic peak provided the backdrop for superb cycling in a gorgeous, alpine region with dramatic lakes, rivers, forests, and memorable climbs. The camp concluded with participation in the Shasta Summit Century, an epic and challenging event!
Each day included the Ron Jones Dynamic Warm Up, a wonderful ride in a spectactular setting with little to no traffic, an afternoon yoga class, lots of socializing, and more. Two wonderful meals catered by Chris & Dena's Deli were hosted outdoors at the beautiful Strawberry Valley Inn and provided more opportunities to socialize, enjoy great food, and win raffle prizes.
It was a pleasure to ride on and around Mt. Shasta for five days, to get to know one another, and to socialize in a very special place. To all the riders, we thank you for riding and for supporting this event!
We hope to see you in January for CORPScamp Shasta Snofari - a five-day cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, ice skating, and yoga adventure - and at CORPScamp Shasta next summer!
Thanks to the wonderful team who made it all happen!
SAG Support: Scott Weber, ultramarathon running legend, running coach, and cycling cast member of "American Flyers"
Dynamic Warm Up: Developed by Ron Jones
Afternoon CORPSyoga Class: Elizabeth
Sponsors: Hammer Nutrition and Earth Wind, & Rider
Special thanks are also extended to the wonderful staff at the Strawberry Valley Inn and Woodsman Lodge, as well as Chris & Dena's Grocery and Deli.
Jo Carmichael, Gloria Castro, Lazaro Cuevas, Kate Daniher, Louis Durano, Jay Hart, Jr., Jeff Jaguar Martin, Al and Linda Masterson, Mark Nutria Newsome, Michael O'Connell, David and Jessica Otey, Barbara and John Palan, Anurang Ringtail Revri, Alex Trejo, plus the CORPScamp hosts, Chris and Elizabeth.
Awesome, Totally Appreciated Feedback!
"You put on an amazing camp. It was professional and well executed and most importantly you infused such great energy into the rides. It is great to be re-inspired about movement / kinesiology / performance / life / adventure / passion. You were a great inspiration to me this past week, in ways that extend far beyond cycling. Thank your time, energy, passion and devotion. I think you've re-awakened within me my need for adventure and passion, which has waned a bit, it seems." - Kate Daniher
"I really enjoyed the camp. The yoga classes were great !!! The results exceeded my expectations. It definitely helped alleviate some chronic hip pain. We all know we should stretch.... but it takes time so we (ok, I) don't do it regularly.... making it a scheduled part of the camp made it easy and fun. As for the mileage, it was just right, I rode ~ 240 miles & climbed ~ 16,000' Wed-Sat, and was still able to do the full 135 with 17,000 feet on Sunday. Thank you !!!" - Louis Durano
"Jessica and I had a grand time. Thanks for giving us inspiration and a great introduction to the Mt. Shasta area. We started out a bit unconventionally, but hung in there for the full week’s experience. I’m looking forward to hearing of your winter plans." - Many thanks, David and Jessica Otey